Feb 10, 2018

All About Heart (Anahata) Chakra - Chakra Balancing & Healing - #SoulfulSaturdays Week 5

All About heart anahata Chakra - Chakra Balancing & Healing - #SoulfulSaturdays Week 5

#SoulfulSaturdays is an attempt to put out weekly, simple to consume knowledge bits, help people understand the concepts of holistic living, spirituality, healing, meditation & the likes & share my experiences with the world. This is week 5 and let us understand about the fourth - Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra) - its characteristics, mantra, healing & balancing techniques and more.

This post is a part of #SoulfulSaturdays series that I am doing on my facebook page & group. I would be delighted if you join me on my page or group & participate in the discussions on this beautiful topic. You can also subscribe to this blog & be the first one to receive the updates!

#Week5 #AllAboutHeartChakra
#ChakraBalancing #HolisticLiving #EnergyHealing

I hope you have gone through & understood the week 1week 2week 3, week 4 posts of this series.

Today let us understand the fourth chakra - Heart or Anahata Chakra.

I am sharing various aspects of the heart chakra, and pointers to find if your heart chakra is imbalanced & couple of modalities you can opt to balance your chakras. I want you to do a simple exercise at the end of this post.

Physical Location - center of the chest (not located where our actual heart organ lies)

Physical Characteristics - Heart (Cardiac System), Thymus Gland (in charge of regulating the immune system), Lungs

Non-Physical Characteristics - connection to emotional self, forgiveness, generosity, capacity to love, compassion, empathy, bridge between earthly and spiritual aspirations, Appreciation of beauty in all things, Experiencing deep and meaningful relationships

What Happens When This Chakra Is Balanced - joy, love, gratitude, compassion, empathy, experience beauty in life, good respiratory health & heart health

What Happens When This Chakra Is Imbalanced (Blocked or Over Stimulated) - over loving, jealousy, abandonment, withdrawn, anger, loneliness, bitterness, defensive, fear of intimacy, isolation, antisocial, not being able to forgive, have trouble sticking to one thing (air-head), over critical of yourself, selfish, respiratory problems, lung infection, bronchitis, heart related ailments

Associated Element (Panch Tatva) - Air

Associated Color To Meditate - Visualize the color Green at the location of this chakra & concentrate. You may also chant the beej mantra of this chakra.

Beej Mantra To Meditate - Sounds create vibrations in the body, and these vibrations help the cells work together in synchronistic harmony. The mantra sound that corresponds to the Heart chakra is YAM.

Yoga Poses To Balance This Chakra - Camel Pose, Cobra Pose, Cat Pose, Bow Pose, Wheel Pose
(You can easily google up these poses if you do not know them)

Affirmations To Balance This Chakra -

I Love Myself and All The People
I Love God/Source/Nature
I Give and Receive Love Easily
I Receive Abundance
I Receive with Open Arms
Love and Beauty Surrounds Me
Love Flows Into My Life and Being
All of My Relations Are Harmonious
I Forgive People Who Have Hurt Me
I Forgive Myself For All The Wrong Things I Have Done
My Heart Overflows With Love
I Breathe Love and Beauty
I Embrace Life
I Have Gratitude

Crystal To Heal This Chakra - Rose Quartz, Aventurine

Healing With Nature -  Working with the breath since it corresponds to air element - Breathing exercises in nature, breathing in essential oils aroma. Practicing self care & self love, expressing gratitude, eating more of green vegetables.

Exercise To Do At Your End -

  • Have you personally felt any issues like mentioned above that are related to Heart chakra? 
  • What have you done to overcome them till now? 
  • After reading the pointers on how to balance this chakra, which modality will you pick up to balance your Heart chakra?
If you have any questions about the topic for today, please drop in the comments below & I will try to answer them to the best of my capabilities :)

Drop me a message via contact form HERE or email me at thekjunction[at]gmail[dot]com if you want a paid consultation session (skype or phone) on chakra balancing, healing or meditation.

See you next week!

Love, Light, Peace

This post first appeared on this group - "Our Earth & Us - Striking The Right Balance". I am gaining some good karma by sharing my knowledge & experiences with this group members.

Do not forget to follow "The K Junction" on Facebook page & closed Facebook groupTwitter and Instagram for day to day updates that might not always find a place on this blog. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to know more about our early learning journey, DIY & Montessori & Waldorf inspired activities for kids, kids books & toys reviews and much more!

Hope to see you around. Happy Parenting!

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